Sunday, February 12, 2012


I still haven't posted about the rings... I intend to... It's just a long story, so I'm lethargic about it. :D

Meanwhile, what if instead of RSVPs, we do some sort of website questionnaire? It'd be drop down menus, like:

If you pick attending, then these show up:
Number of people attending:
Food preference for each (beef, salmon, vegan): (this one probably has to be a different format to accommodate several different answers)
Help needed with accommodations (yes, no):

Except I don't know how to do that. So... Um... I found html code online for a contact form, but I'd kind of prefer if it had the options too, not just a comment space.

Any ideas?

1 comment:

Maxine said...

Hey Prin! I think Phil's sister did something like that. She's super green, so she didn't want paper. And we did have to choose what to eat. I'll ask her and let you know!